

If you are a leaseholder in a block being managed by Andrew Louis, you can use this page to assist you with all matters relating to our services.

Service Charge Explained

A service charge is a charge that you are liable to pay under your lease and represents your share of the cost of maintaining the building in which it is situated. Common areas covered by this charge includes:- general repairs, site staff, cleaning, electricity, gardening, building insurance, lift maintenance, management fees etc.

Paying your Service Charge

The frequency of payment of your service charge will be set out in your Lease. This will typically be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or an annual payment. We are obliged to collect your service charge at the same times as indicated in the lease.

Report a Repair

As managing agents, we are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the communal areas of your block. If you have identified a problem that needs to be drawn to our attention then please contact us by:-
Phone: 0151 330 5355

Solicitors Enquiries

Provide to any requesting Solicitor with standard information regarding relevant service charge accounts and individual Lessee accounts. This information will carry an extra fee chargeable to the solicitor or persons requesting the information.


The Management of leasehold apartments is not easy to understand. To anyone who is new to this field and the associated terminology, we suggest you check out this link to the various questions and answers relating to residential block management.

My Block

As part of our standard management service all leaseholders will automatically get a secure online area of where they can check their service charge statements, report a repair, download a copy of the budget, financial accounts, building insurance certificates etc.

If you're looking to switch manging agents then please call us today on 0151 330 5321

or click here to request a call back

We will manage your block as if it were our own

We will manage your block as if it were our own

© Andrew Louis Estate Agents Ltd 2025 | Registration No. 03883376